6585 Highway 431 South
Suite E457, Hampton Cove, AL 35763

Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Excellent Consulting Services on Labor Relations

Advice and Counseling

JSA offers labor law advice and counsel within all areas of labor and employment law. We are a resource and sounding board for our clients for complex questions that affect employees and management dealing with all aspects of workplace issues.

Our labor relations advice and counseling services cover:
  • Advice and Strategies for Dealing With Complex Labor Relations Issues
  • Assistance in Preparing a Case Before the FLRA, FSIP, or FLRA Regional Office
  • Research on Negotiability, Unfair Labor Practice, and Representation Case Issues
  • Training in All Areas of Federal Sector Labor Relations
For a Free Quote Please Email Us!

Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining in the federal sector is a complex system of rules and laws. When called upon, JSA will assist in understanding the process and help reach the best possible results for all parties involved. We will also act as negotiators on behalf of our clients.
JSA can help you with the following tasks:
  • Advise the bargaining team on strategy and negotiability
  • Mediate and facilitate collective bargaining and workplace disputes
  • Prepare proposals and analyses of existing CBA
  • Provide a chief negotiator at the table
  • Conduct training on how to engage in traditional and Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB)
For a Free Quote Please Email Us!

Human Resources

JSA provides comprehensive human resources management services for federal agencies and commercial clients. You can count on us to accomplish the following tasks:
  • Assist the management team in looking for alternative solutions to systemic and emerging human resources problems and issues
  • Assist with performance management, classification and position management, compensation planning and management, management-employee relations, outreach planning, workforce planning and development, human resources strategic planning, and program evaluation
  • Develop programs and products to help clients perform fundamental human resources functions and actions
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